Caesar Salad

Caesar Salad
Tomato and Basil Salad
Carrot and Mint Salad
Japanese-Style Cucumber and Carrot Salad
Mushroom and Coriander Seed Salad
Salad of Roast Tomatoes and Spring Onions
Potato Salad
New Potatoes Vinaigrette


2 large cloves garlic, slivered

150ml/¼ pint olive oil

1 tablespoon lemon juice

dry English mustard

freshly ground black pepper

1 egg, boiled for 1 minute

2 anchovy fillets, finely chopped

2 slices of bread, crusts removed and cubed

1 cos lettuce

4 tablespoons freshly grated Parmesan cheese

  1. Mix the garlic with the oil. leave to stand for 10 minutes. Strain off 3 tablespoons of the oil to make the dressing.

  2. Add it to the lemon juice, mustard, pepper and egg. Whisk well. Add anchovies.

  3. Pour remaining oil and garlic into a frying pan. There should be at least 1cm'½in of oil. Heat slowly. When the garlic begins to sizzle, remove then add bread cubes and fry, turning frequently with a fish slice or spoon, until they are crisp and brown. Using a slotted spoon lift out the bread and drain and allow to cool on kitchen paper.

  4. Toss the lettuce in the dressing. Sprinkle over the bread pieces and cheese.



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